Friday, April 18, 2008


I loved Prague!!! It's a really beautiful and well-kept city of orange roofs and old monuments and bridges and really nice people...and good food. Well ok not going to lie, we didn't really branch out too much with the food there because it's really touristy and therefore the prices are pretty high for poor college students, but we still had some good sausage, good Pilsner beer (famous Czech beer), and bagels and cream cheese. haha.

We went to the old castle grounds, which is basically a small town inside the city, with a cathedral, a museum, lots of other buildings that i don't even know what purpose they serve, restaurants, etc. We saw the famous changing of the guards while fighting to see over the smelly girl in front of us who decided to stand up in front of everyone behind her...but still cool. We also went to the famous Charles Bridge I dont know how many times. It's basically just a bridge for pedestrians filled with people selling jewelry, art of all sorts, people playing music, and tons of places to get your caricature done. haha, on our last time there, we were about to walk off the bridge when we saw this guy, probably about my age or a little older, in a penguin costume, playing a recorder TERRIBLY, just having the time of his life, trying to seduce all the people that walked by to give him some money. Meanwhile, a big group of his friends were just standing there cracking up the whole time.

Penguin guy actually made out pretty some good tips. Next he pulled out a small little tambourine, but he wasnt nearly as successful. Afterwards, he decided to go and get a caricature with his earnings, while his friends handed out cans of Pilsner to the bystanders. holy cow it was hilarious.

Anyway, it was basically lots of walking around, seeing things and just chillin'. good weekend. oh also, someone in our hostel told us that he had heard that Budapest is a 'worse' version of Vienna, and Vienna is a 'worse' version of Prague. And well, I've only been to two of them, but yes, Prague definitely beats Budapest!

Ok, Granada has this week-long Feria de libros (book market?) just out in one of the big plazas, where there are loads and loads of book stands all lined up full of books and some authors there to sign books, so I'm off to go check it out! hasta luego

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