Sunday, April 27, 2008

woah. last month.

Well, as I think about how it's getting down to the wire now with being abroad, I get excited, nostalgic, anxious, nervous, sad, happy...everything...oh, and cynical. Really cynical. I think, well, I know, that I'm actually really ready to be home again, and the closer it gets to reality, the more I find myself critiquing everything here...well, mainly in my house. Today was the worst. ok, first of all, my room is kind of secluded from the rest of the 'house', the tv is always always always on and blasting for my almost deaf senora, and one of my host sister smokes so i shut my door leaving a crack open cuz i hate smoke. well, this means that basically, no one tells me when we're eating. This wouldn't be a problem if a)I wasn't in the house that day, b)I didn't eat, c)I didn't care, or d)there was a set meal time. BUT, there is no set meal time (ok, that makes sense, but still) and I do care, most of the time I'm starving by meal time due to lack of a decent breakfast or any other nutrients to last me the 7 hrs between my meals...ok ok i know i can buy food. and i do. BUT on sundays when the world shuts down, you have a problem. I've gotten in the habit of going out to the room and just waiting, but usually that's a lost cause because who knows WHAT my senora does in the kitchen... (tonight, she went in to start cooking dinner at 8:30, and it started smelling good by 9 so i was like, oh good, food soon. yah right. we were served at 10. want to know what it was? SPAGHETTI. um, it takes 10 minutes to boil water and make that. whhhat?) Anyway, so today I was in my room reading (soooo much reading...more later) and my senora comes in and was like, "you don't want lunch?" and i was just ugh. so i said, Well know one tells me, I can't hear cuz your tv, blah blah...i mean, i said it respectfully, but i think she maybe picked up on it? bad move on my part? oh well. anyway, I went out to the table and they were halfway done with lunch. thanks. SEE THIS? this is me being cynical. about every single detail. and it's not that bad. like, not being told about lunch and having to wait an hr and a half for spaghetti isn't that bad, i think it's just time. maybe?

And despite all my complaining up there, believe it or not but I AM having a good time and enjoying myself! I know I'm going to miss this city; just walking around the streets, doing some major people-watching and observing, seeing the motos take control of the road and not following any traffic signals or rules, taking detours due to all the 'edificios en obras,' or buildings under construction along the streets, going out for free tapas!, pretending i'm spanish (mostly unsuccessfully...), seeing the police just stopped along the side of the road in a plaza on their motos chattin' and watching construction along with the rest of the world (i guess you could compare that to the police-parked-along-the-side-of-the-road-eating-donuts theory in the States), sitting in plazas and the park, seeing some crazy european fashion, etc. It's been a good semester. Yah, it took me a bit more time to get acclimated here than in Chile, but it all turned out to be okay. I mean, my hygiene has significantly worsened (at least the bathing part), my work ethic has turned to mierda, and I'm super out of shape, but hey, I'm still alive and kickin'.

today is sunday. last time I showered was wednesday night. and I've run several times during that time. yummmmm.

Finally going to Morocco on Thursday and mannn am I stoked. Don't worry, I'll fill y'all in!

1 comment:

Catharine said...

ugh... i want to go to morocco... i just caught up on your blog, i'm jealous of your life. i'm sitting in clemson, sc writing a speech for my mayterm class about why Texas is awesome. see you in august?